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About me


How this started.

Nursing has provided an opportunity to work as in multiple roles, an RN, a Nurse Practitioner, working in the hospital, outpatient clinic and private practice, and now, as a nurse coach, a creative thinker and a believer in the potential of all people.  Watching patient after patient (and myself) struggle with making meaningful change in their lives prompted the pursuit to nurse coach training through the Integrative Nurse Coach Association. While this training has been invaluable in treating my patients, so many nurses are also struggling to care for themselves.


How can we help our patients if we are running on empty? How can we give our all to compassionate care without losing ourselves?


Enter the solution.

You don't have to figure this out alone. This work is about supporting nurses who are struggling to maintain their own health and wellness, who want to find fulfillment in their nursing jobs but find they are exhausted and jaded. It's about helping nurses learn to love the job they are in and feel energized by it.


Coaching has had profound benefit in my own life. Because of this, I am compelled to share it with other nurses. I offer private coaching, problem solving, and healing to nurses who want to continue to give great patient care without having it cost them their own wellness and happiness. If this sounds like you, schedule a free consult call here.


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